Writer | Researcher


Casey W. Adrian is a writer and social science researcher.

Casey's work centers on social and structural determinants of sexual health, with a particular interest in health promotion among adolescents and emerging adults. He explores how collective identity, critical consciousness, and youth activism can be used to promote safer behaviors (and combat stigma) among communities of young men who have sex with men.

Hand-in-hand with this work, Casey examines sex positive and identity-affirming prevention messaging of the early HIV/AIDS epidemic — and the legacies from these materials which still exist today.

Community-engaged and action-oriented, Casey calls on methods across several disciplines (social work, public health, sociology, human development).

He earned his Master of Social Work (MSW) and BA in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies from Binghamton University. He serves as a Research Aide & Community Outreach Coordinator in the Program for Research on Youth Development and Engagement, an institute within the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University.